Thursday, February 28, 2013

#28 Upside Down

Oh look...upside down me!


That does NOT look comfortable! (this goes with the one of Ben from a few posts ago)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

#27 Playing

We've been playing LIFE a lot lately. Usually because someone else wins and I demand another chance at victory. Just kidding. Sorta.


If you haven't tried NERDS jelly should!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

#26 Quiet

It got quiet in the house and sure enough, I found my little sugar-booger sound asleep on a heap of blankets and pillows on his bedroom floor. I'm not at all surprised to find him snuggled up to his puppy and his baby. (And in Lucas' pajamas might I add)


Snacks for all of our upcoming outings. School picnics and also a lot of those are for my primary class.

Monday, February 25, 2013

#25 On Your Bedside Table

This is pretty typical. A lamp. Jeremy's belt ready for tomorrows early morning wake up call. My scriptures with Jeremy's daily planner on top. An alarm clock and dozens and dozens of Jeremy's papers. There are piles of papers like that!


Luckily this was just for fun while getting his hair cut. Mohawks are fun, but I don't want my kid sporting one :)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 8

What's worse? Expectations that are too high or no expectations at all? 

Yikes...both can be equally as bad. I tend to expect to much from myself and my plans for my future only to be let down. So I would tend to lean toward too high of expectations. But not having any at all can be bad too. 


#24 A Cloud

Red Roses

I took Lucas to pick something out for his sweet little friend McKala to give to her at the funeral. He decided on red roses. I tried a few times to get him to change his mind but in the most innocent little voice he said, "I want this. It's the prettiest most specialist thing I can think of to give to her." I can't argue with that, and so red roses it was. He hand delivered them to the funeral and she was very happy to have some roses of her very own.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

#23 A Word

Rest in Peace, Brian. 
Until We Meet Again...

Like Brother

Lucas was trying to be nice one day and let Benjamin wear his clothes. Funny enough, Benjamin has a bigger belly than Lucas, so his shorts fit. Too bad he isn't anywhere near as tall and the shorts looked more like pants. He's wearing Lucas' shoes too.

Friday, February 22, 2013

#22 Makes You Smile

Lucas must have folded a dozen or more paper planes

Green Smoothies

My not so green Green Smoothie. The boys beg for these.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

#21 Full

Full belly! (Yes I'm aware my jammies don't match. Whatevs.)

Gift Wrap

I woke up to the boys using construction paper and tape to gift wrap all their Build-a-Bear stuff.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

#20 Where You Stood

I stood right behind my boys cheering them on. Neither of them wanted or needed any help.

Bowling Shoes

We met up with some friends for a few rounds of bowling. It was a HUGE hit!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

#19 I Am...


Peeling Skin

I think from Pinesol

Monday, February 18, 2013

#18 Something You Don't Like

When I crave food for days on end, finally make it and then someone, who shall remain nameless, Jeremy, spills the last helping of it on the floor.


Amy and I met up at Shipwrecked to let the kids see each other and play. These three little monkeys were trying to avoid having their pictures taken. I think this is the best of the bunch... I tried and they prevailed.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 7

Do you feel close to the other members of your family?

This might be surprisingly to some, but no I don't. I get along perfectly with all of my siblings, and infact all of my cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents too. There isn't a person in my family that I don't love an adore. But, that isn't the question. The question is, do I feel close to them. The truth is, I'm closer to some of my friends than I am to my family. We call occasionally, and I usually mail Christmas cards. But that's the extent of our relationship. I'm closest to my brother Billy. We both try equally as hard, it seems, to make sure that we stay as close as possibly, but even then, our lives are so vastly different and we live so far apart from one another. We'll only be three hours from one another once we get to Texas and I really hope that all changes. He now has a little boy Lucas' age, and since my boys have never had any cousins to be close to, I really hope that we will be able to get together many times a year so that if nothing else, the boys will be able to build that special cousin bond. 

#17 In Your Hand

Silly Socks

The husband bought me these silly things. Probably as a joke, but hot dog they're comfortable. Maybe I will take his advice and get some of those silly five fingered running shoes!?

Saturday, February 16, 2013

#16 Perfect

Before we left the house, Lucas told his daddy he would win him a trophy, and that is just what he did. He took third place out of about sixty kids. So proud of you son!


I hosted a Valentine's day party for Lucas' homeschooled friends on Wednesday. It was a huge success.

Friday, February 15, 2013

#15 Inside Your Fridge

Lots of cantaloup and hummus, spinach and water. And some other crap too.


I had one of these bad boys when I was a kid and I LOVED it! I've been thinking about it a lot lately wishing I still had it for my boys. Then low and behold I found one, in the box, with everything that goes with it at Goodwill for $5 on Friday. SCORE! The boys are loving it and Lucas has already mastered this particular 'map'.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

#14 Love Is

Love is....building your little brother a fort in the living room while your mom is still sleeping.


Apparently stacking tiny paper cups is loads of fun!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

#13 Walking

Or at least pretending to so that I can get caught up on this blog!


This week in history we learned about Betsy Ross and how she changed the star from a 6 pointed one to a 5 pointed one...AND how to fold a piece of paper a few times then make one cut and you have a perfect star.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

#12 Where You Ate Lunch

At my messy desk while working on the boys Valentine's and other things for our party tomorrow.

Star Wars

My brother is amazing and created this Valentine for Lucas. I found the idea online and emailed it to him. Within a few minutes he emailed me back the finished product. Then we just had to print, slice holes and put the pixie sticks in.

Monday, February 11, 2013

#11 Entrance

Old Spice

Jeremy bought a new thing of deodorant and it came with a little sample that just happened to smell really fruity. Benjamin was more than happy to take that off his hands. Later I found him, naked on the kitchen counter putting it on.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 6

What is something you have dreamed of doing? Why haven't you done it?

Travel the world! Or at least Europe. My family is all of European decent, and Jeremy's mom is from Germany. So it's always been a dream of mine to take a few weeks and just visit all the little towns and villiages in Germany, France, England, Russia...etc. 

I haven't done it yet because we've always been a student couple. It's a bit difficult to afford to travel in Europe while living on student loans. And now with two small kids it's completely out of the question. But one day when the loans are paid off and the boys are a bit older we both hope to be able to travel wherever our hearts take us. 

Oh and Jeremy wants to take me to Guam where he served his mission. That would be fun too!

#10 3 O'Clock

At 3 o'clock yesterday I was at an adorable Dr. Seuss themed baby shower eating delicious brownies and winning a goldfish named Seuss.

Snack Attack

What's left of two Golden Delicious apples

Saturday, February 9, 2013

#9 Guilty Pleasure

Ghirardelli Chocolate Chips

New Addition

Internet, meet Seuss 
I won him at a Dr. Seuss themed baby shower this afternoon. My kids are stoked.

Friday, February 8, 2013

#8 Something Orange

We use a LOT of these around here.


I love love love Lucas' artwork. This is a ladybug on the grass with leaves.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

#7 Your Name


We got an invitation to go to the park, and ended up staying all day. The weather was glorious!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

#6 Soft

My baby boy is all full of softness. Nothing beats baby soft skin though!

Mouth Piece

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

#5 Something You Smelled

Stinky feet


This tiny little pebble made me think my dryer was broken. Tsk Tsk.

Monday, February 4, 2013

#4 Hope

I HOPE these two sleep all night long


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 5

What are three things that you are thankful for TODAY?

Today I'm so grateful for my two healthy happy little boys. This past Monday a local family was involved in a head on ccollision. Their three year old little girl, Wyncie, passed away last night. As the mother of a three year-old, it's just so heart-breaking and difficult to understand. 

I'm grateful to be feeling better. After being really sick and having to miss out on fun with friends, opportunities to serve my friends, and my kickboxing class (I missed FOUR classes)...I'm feeling much better and have been back in class for two days, and hopefully can find time this week to go visit those friends! 

I'm also grateful for a wonderful husband who has always worked so incredibly hard for our family. Graduation is three months and one day away....but who's counting!? I'm grateful that after being in a student marriage for our entire marriage, that this chapter of our lives is coming to an end. It's a bit strange to think about, but super exciting. And it's a bit crazy to think that by the time graduation rolls around, we will have been married and in school for eight and a half years. It will be interesting to see what the next eight and a half years bring. I'm so ready!  

#3 Somethin That Starts With 'E'

Eye Drops!