Friday, January 4, 2013

#4 The View From Here

I couldn't decided on which picture to post, so I'm doing both. From where my desk is located I can see both my pile of moving boxes gathering by my front door....
And the piles and piles of Legos all over the floor next to me.
These views are commonplace these days. Boxes are starting to pile up all over the house and Legos are always everywhere. Sometimes it gets old, but mostly I love that my kids love playing with them. It always means the TV is off and they're letting their creative juices flow!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh, I love the bright colors you captured in the Legos! Our playroom is upstairs and there's only one tiny window up there that lets hardly any light in so I can never get the intensity of their colors.

    I also love how you fill your frame with a part of your subject instead of trying to fit the entire subject in your frame. Very cool.

    BTW, I think I see you every month at the Lego Store during their free mini-builds on the first Tuesdays!

    And, a few basic photog curiosities of mine.. what kind of camera are you using? are you posting SOOC or are you using an editing program?

    It's been fun to see your style. I love it.
