Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week 1

Do you think you are the same person in life as you are in your head?

Hmm, this is an interesting question to start out the new year. No, I don't think so. I think that in my head I'm a monster. I often think of myself as the worlds worst mother and wife. I wonder why my friends want to be my friend when I can be so miserable to be around. But in reality I'm not a monster. I'm a good wife. I'm the mother of two young boys who more often that not drive me crazy. But I love them anyway, and I try to raise them with love. Unconditional love. I think we could all do with a little less yelling, but all I can do is try a little harder to do a little better. And my friends tend to think I'm an all-right person so I guess I'm not all that bad.

I'm also not the same person that I wish to be, and strive to be. I'm full of short comings and faults and I'm very hard on myself. I wish to be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. Each day I try my best to start fresh but often find it difficult to let the previous days failures go.

Here is a great article on this very topic

One act at a time! I can do this!

1 comment:

  1. I could have written the first half myself. I think alot of the time we are too hard on ourselves. We don't see what others see in least that goes for me anyways
